We are enjoying a beautiful fall here in the Northeast. It was almost 70 last weekend. But all good things must come to an end and today it's windy, chilly, and the nip of winter is in the air. It's starting to feel like winter....and Christmas.
I promise not to be gone so long next time. I just haven't felt that I had anything worthwhile to say. But I miss blogging and I miss keeping in touch with everyone. So if you still want to listen....I still want to talk.
Thought for the day: An appreciative listener is always stimulating.” Agatha Christie
Tip of the day: When decorating your Christmas tree, it's easier to place the garland and ornaments with the lights off. This way you can see the bare spots and what areas need more attention and more decorations. If all looks good with the lights off, it will look fabulous when the lights go on!
The photos below might not show the difference since it's so sunny in my kitchen today.